
Pipelined Architecture for a Semantic Segmentation Neural Network on FPGA

Many machine vision tasks like urban sceneunderstanding rely on machine learning, and more specifically deep neural networks to provide …

Federated learning compression designed for lightweight communications

Federated Learning (FL) is a promising distributed method for edge-level machine learning, particularly for privacysensitive …

Compression de réseaux de neurones pour l'apprentissage fédéré

Federated Learning (FL) is a promising distributed method for edge-level machine learning, particularly for privacysensitive …

Leveraging Structured Pruning of Convolutional Neural Networks

Structured pruning is a popular method to reduce the cost of convolutional neural networks, that are the state of the art in many …

Inter-Operability of Compression Techniques for Efficient Deployment of CNNs on Microcontrollers

Machine Learning (ML) has become state of the art for various tasks, including classification of accelerometer data. In the world of …

Energy Consumption Analysis of pruned Semantic Segmentation Networks on an Embedded GPU

Deep neural networks are the state of the art in many computer vision tasks. Their deployment in the context of autonomous vehicles is …

Élagage de réseaux profond de neurones par dégradation sélective des pondérations

Les réseaux de neurones profonds sont le standard incontournable de l’apprentissage automatique. Cependant, pour atteindre les …

Investigating the Not-So-Obvious Effects of Structured Pruning

Structured pruning is a popular method to reduce the cost of convolutional neural networks. However, depending on the architecture, …

MOL-based In-Memory Computing of Binary Neural Networks

Convolutional neural networks (CNN) have proven very effective in a variety of practical applications involving Artificial Intelligence …

Rethinking Weight Decay for Efficient Neural Network Pruning

Introduced in the late 1980s for generalization purposes, pruning has now become a staple for compressing deep neural networks. Despite …

Using Deep Neural Networks to Predict and Improve the Performance of Polar Codes

Polar codes can theoretically achieve very competitive Frame Error Rates. In practice, their performance may depend on the chosen …

A Flexible and Portable Real-time DVB-S2 Transceiver using Multicore and SIMD CPUs

Software implementation of digital communication systems is more and more used in different contexts. In the case of satellite …

AFF3CT: A Fast Forward Error Correction Toolbox!

AFF3CT is an open source toolbox dedicated to Forward Error Correction (FEC or channel coding). Itsupports a broad range of codes: from …

Fast and Flexible Software Polar List Decoders

Flexibility is one mandatory aspect of channel coding in modern wireless communication systems. Among other things, the channel decoder …

Toward High-Performance Implementation of 5G SCMA Algorithms

The recent evolution of mobile communication systems toward a 5G network is associated with the search for new types of non-orthogonal …

Décodage de codes polaires sur des architectures programmables

Les codes polaires constituent une classe de codes correcteurs d’erreurs inventés récemment qui suscite l’intérêt des chercheurs et des …

Transport Triggered Polar Decoders

In this paper, the first transport triggered architecture (TTA) customized for the decoding of polar codes is proposed. A first version …

Custom Low Power Processor for Polar Decoding

Cloud Radio Access Network is foreseen as one of the key features of the future 5G mobile communication standard. In this context, all …

Fast Simulation and Prototyping with AFF3CT

This demonstration intends to present AFF3CT (A Fast Forward 3rror Correction Tool). The main objective of AFF3CT is to provide a …

Improving performance of SCMA MPA decoders using estimation of conditional probabilities

Sparse code multiple access (SCMA) is a new type of non-orthogonal modulation suggested for 5G systems offering lower bit-error rate …